Saturday, June 19, 2004

No buyer for Lennon's last sketch

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Music |
"Ted Owen, co-founder of the Cooper Owen auction house, said: 'The interesting thing about the auction is the intellectual copyright with the Prince tapes and Jimi Hendrix tapes, which is quite unusual.
'More and more, copyright is becoming one of the major collectibles: back catalogue and copyright seems to be high on the agenda as an investment.
'Both of the items you can reproduce in perpetuity and make money out of - and get your investment back.' "

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Just a darn interesting story - and... "Were it legal to sell one, a one-gram moon pebble (less than 4/100ths of an ounce) would fetch $1 million or more":

In Malta, a moon-rock caper |
By Mark Clayton | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
'I would not be surprised if half of those 135 moon rocks have been stolen, or lost, or are now in a position where they could be stolen.'- Joseph Gutheinz, retired NASA investigator.

Sam Spade unraveled the mystery of the Maltese Falcon. Now his nonfictional alter ego is snooping into a real treasure-gone-missing caper: the Maltese moon rock.
Only about the size of a pea, the dull-gray specimen was plucked from the lunar surface by Apollo astronauts, embedded in a clear acrylic ball, and given to Malta. Last month, the acrylic ball and rare rock inside it disappeared from its display in a Mdina museum."

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Americana is as vast as the country it comes from
Antiques & collectibles: Lynn Hopper
June 12, 2004

"What do toys, advertisements and politics have in common? They are all part of a great (also as in 'vast') collecting area knows as 'Americana.' They are nostalgia, dreams and reality.
They're often the stuff that turns up in old button boxes, in the backs of drawers, stored away in attics.
And most important, they are often the stuff that collectors are crazy about."

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Magazine's demise leaves a large void
Dwight Chapin Monday, June 14, 2004

"The list of publications catering to collectors of older sports memorabilia continues to shrink.
Beckett Sports Collectibles magazine, formerly Beckett Vintage Sports, threw in the towel with its June issue. "

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Thursday, June 17, 2004

Coin sellers can lose a mint
Traveling show offers to pay fraction of cash value set by two local dealers

Beacon Journal | 06/17/2004 |
By Betty Lin-Fisher
Beacon Journal business writer

"If you have some old coins or other collectibles lying around in your attic but don't know the value of them, don't be too quick to sell them.
Do some homework by getting multiple offers from dealers, or you might not get as much cash as you deserve."

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Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Small sellers get the edge

The Seattle Times
Business & Technology
By Monica Soto Ouchi
Seattle Times technology reporter
"'You're going to pick up a book that's going for pennies at a resale shop and come to find out that it's worth $100,' he said. 'We call that the buried treasure and the gems. It's a lot like mining for gold.'
...Thrift Book's best-selling titles are "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey and "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" by John Gray. Both sell within 48 hours from the time they're listed.
The titles that sit on the shelves the longest: mass-market paperback books. Titles from authors such as John Grisham and Tom Clancy usually go for a penny."

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Sunday, June 13, 2004

Classic plastic

Thursday, June 03, 2004
Elisabeth Dunham
"Not so long ago, plastic was considered nothing more than a cheap alternative to wood and metal. Today, the same stuff that was meant to tide people over until they could afford the pricey stuff is the pricey stuff. And the prices just keep rising. Here's a look at some of the hottest vintage plastics on the collectibles market. "

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Check Your Pocket Change for These Coins

Indiana Printing & Publishing Co
May 16, 2004

"Wondering if anything in your old piggy bank is worth something?
The best way to find out a coin's value is to have it appraised by an expert. But here are a few tips, provided by John Busovicki of the Indiana Coin Club, to help you identify collectible coins."

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Collector's Corner: LaserDiscs

By Michele Alice
June 06, 2004
"Does obsolescence a collectible make?
That is the question surrounding the demise of the LaserDisc.
Brought to market in 1978, the MCA DiscoVision branded disc and its Magnavox Magnavision player represented a major advancement in consumer electronics...
...So, are the discs and their players collectible? You bet!
Videophiles who amassed huge disc collections are hurrying to complete their libraries."

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Upper Deck selling sports cards for $500 a pack
June 11, 2004
By Jordan Robertson
"Upper Deck began selling the trading card industry's most expensive packs of cards yesterday, as the Carlsbad company launched its limited-edition 2004 NBA Exquisite series with wood-boxed packs that retail for $500.
...One card, which features NBA logos cut from game-worn jerseys of superstars LeBron James and Kobe Bryant, hit $14,000 in an eBay auction in less than four hours. "

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Don't Know Beans About the Latest Trading Card Game?
Genio Launches Mighty Beanz Trading Card Game Web Site

"NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 24, 2004--Genio Group, Inc. (OTCBB:GNOI.OB), a developer and marketer of innovative entertainment and leisure products, announced today the launch of its new web site - - for its new collectible trading card game based on the popular children's collectible toy, Mighty Beanz (TM)."

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'Wilcox Wiggler' lure becomes hot collectible

AP Wire | 06/05/2004 |
"Besides fixing teeth and making implants for false teeth, Wilcox liked to tinker, and he owned many patents, including one issued May 25, 1909, for a 'Wilcox Wiggler' fishing lure.
It has become a rare and desirable fishing lure among antique fishing tackle collectors. When a 'Wilcox Wiggler' surfaces at antique shows and auctions, it has sold for $8,000 to $9,000."

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